V1.12 29th April 1999 * Wildcard support improved, eg queue a filemask *.html and BPFTP will expand that to a list of queue entries. You can also set filtering for the local and remote listings. * Backspace will take you to parent directory (like it does in Windows explorer). * When changing to the parent directory on servers, the directory you just came from will be highlighted. * "Safe write" option added (read help file for more details regarding this). * "Don't autosave sessions" option added for those people who were unhappy with the way BPFTP's session autosave worked. * Minor Year2k issue resolved. In certain configurations, files dated in the year 2000+ will be sorted incorrectly, as if they were actually 100 years older than they really are. V1.11 25th February 1999 * Folder support in sitelist! (Highly requested functionality). * Failed uploads will have "-retry" appended to them and are reuploaded, for sites which don't allow resume or overwriting of uploaded files. The number of times a file upload is retried can be specified. * Site name rather than address will be displayed in title bar, as this is often more informative (site address will). * 0 byte files will now be written as opposed to skipped as they are important in some circumstances. * Bugfixes & minor changes. V1.10 17th December 1998 * There is a minimum speed setting, if the speed drops below this setting BPFTP will reconnect and hopefully get a better transfer speed. * The popup status window stays on top the whole time, even when the main BPFTP window is minimized. Useful for keeping an eye on transfers whilst doing other things. It also pops up on startup if it was open when you closed BPFTP, and it can now display the percentage of the queue transfer completion as well as just the current file percentage (though not at the same time). * HTTP proxy authentication supported. * Under Win98, when the shaded caption is disabled it'll use the default Win98 shaded caption, rather than a blank one. * ANSI colour codes are stripped, this makes it a lot easier to read from servers that use ANSI. V1.09a 17th October 1998 (bugfix release) * HTTP authentication now works properly in all cases (in previous versions, BPFTP wasn't always encoding the username&password correctly). * Fixed a problem where BPFTP sometimes decided that it wanted to start transferring without being told to. * There should be no more problems with BPFTP stopping inexplicably in the middle of a transfer queue. V1.09 12th October 1998 * BPFTP can monitor a directory, when files in that directory are added or modified then it can automatically upload them to an FTP server (very useful if you manage a website). * BPFTP now displays basic information after each transfer - filesize, elapsed time for that transfer and speed for that transfer. * New option in the toggles section - "Don't save passwords", this will mean BPFTP won't save the password in the session file so other people can't steal your passwords (well, not as easily anyway). * A warning dialog will appear for 10 seconds before the 'on completion' option takes effect. This allows you to override it if you're forgotten to disable it from a previous session. * Sitelist importing works again (it was broken in v1.08). * "Save now" button removed from sitelist, as it was basically made obsolete in v1.08 (sitelist is automatically saved every time you modify it). V1.08 18th September 1998 * Sitelist saved to file rather than in the registry (a very popular request). * Sitelist is also the same across instances of BPFTP (ie, if you update it in one instance all other instances will see the changes without having to restart). This is a long overdue improvement. * BPFTP instances communicate with each other - so now two instances will never try and download the same file. This also means that URLs detected in the clipboard are shared evenly between instances. It also means you can load a session into two or more instances of BPFTP and they'll share the queue... a basic form of multiple simultaneous downloads from the same site. * The SIZE command when uploading can be disabled... if you never intend to resume uploads then you should disable this (it'll speed up uploading a little). * CuteFTP 2.5 sitelists can be imported. * As usual, other minor things. V1.07c 19th August 1998 * Many minor improvements/bugfixed - no major new functionality. v1.07b 25th June 1998 * This version actually works on WinNT machines, and you can run multiple instances of it. No other changes. v1.07a 23rd June 1998 * The major reason for this release was the error along the lines of: "Exception EOutOfResources in module BPFTP.EXE at 0004744E RichEdit line insertion error." - this should now bw fixed. Apologies to the people this affected. * New 'on transfer completion' option - execute file on transfer completion. * Other minor changes. v1.07 15th May 1998 * Log entries are colour coded (blue for commands, green for responses, red for errors and black for general info). * There is now no set limit on the number of lines in the log window. * Raw list information can now be optionally displayed in the log window. * URLs can be extracted from within other URLs. This helps BPFTP on download sites that use redirection to download, it'd work anyway but one step is eliminated thereby making things faster. * 'Monitor clipboard for URLs' can now be toggled and options changed from the system tray. * Option to export sitelist to a text file (comprising of standard FTP urls). * Other minor bug fixes & improvements. v1.06 8th April 1998 * On the URL confirmation dialog you can now choose the destination directory. * Auto refresh of the remote listing is now optional. * Directories can now be recursively deleted (that is, all directories and files within the directory will be deleted). This works both with local and remote directories. * The font for the log window is configurable. * The default sort order for listings is now saved & restored properly. * BPFTP sometimes sent random data instead of commands when anti-idling. Fixed. * TYPE optimization caused problems for some people - files in the queue would be randomly skipped. TYPE optimization has been disabled (the option still appears but it doesn't do anything) until this problem has been fixed. v1.05 5th March 1998 * Tray icon displays percentage if transferring. * Fixed "access violation" error message that appeared when you first ran the unregistered version of Bullet Proof FTP. * CuteFTP sitelist importing really should work with all sitelists now, rather than just importing the first entry (as it did with some sitelists). * Fixed - bug where BPFTP continuously tried reconnecting to web sites after the queue transfer completed. * The interface has changed - the queuelist is now at the bottom of the display. * TYPE command optimization - you now have an option to optimize TYPE commands, which will make BPFTP send TYPE commands only when necessary, rather than for every transfer. This can speed up things considerably, especially when downloading lots of small files from a slow FTP site. v1.04 10th February 1998 * Scheduling - BPFTP can now start at a specific date/time without the use of third party schedulers. It can also stop at a specific time. * Support for ratio sites improved - if BPFTP detects that you've exceeded the ratio then it'll upload the first file queued for upload, regardless of where it is in the queue. * Popup status display's title bar can now be hidden. * CuteFTP sitelist importing should now work with all v1.8-v2.0+ sitelists. * BPFTP no longer gets stuck in a loop if recursively downloading directories with links in them. * You can now enter URLs straight into the 'host' box. * Browse button to choose local directory. * Double-clicking on the log window stops it from scrolling... double-click on it again to resume scrolling. * Queue control is now a lot quicker & easier: #1: When you drag&drop a queue entry it'll now be inserted where you drop it, rather than being swapped with the entry you drop it on. #2: 2 new popup items - move to top and move to bottom - saves a lot of mouse clicking. Also, double-clicking on a file moves it to the top of the queue. * 3 bugfixes worth mentioning: #1: The bug that confused BPFTP if the file you were uploading wasn't the same size as it thought it was has been fixed. #2: BPFTP now properly handles servers that use backslashes rather than forward slashes and won't recreate the entire directory structure. #3: Refreshing the remote directory after an upload or remote modification works all the time now. v1.03 28th November 1997 * Anti idle - BPFTP will periodically send a random command to stop the server from disconnecting for inactivity. * Entries in the queue can be moved into the clipboard. * ASCII file wildcard limit of 10 entries was removed. * Default popup menu (cut/copy/paste etc) appears again for main toolbar rather than the toolbar menu. * OS/2 FTP server list format support added. * Cache system now includes login name - if you have two separate logins on the same server then they won't share the same cache. * If you change the sort order then previously cached entries will now be sorted in the new sort order, rather than the order they were cached in. * You can download to UNC names (\\machinename\dir) without having access violation problems. * As usual, other minor improvements and bug fixes. v1.02 17th October 1997 * There should be no more problems with BPFTP expiring the first time you run it. * VMS support tidied up. * The download directory for URLs can be changed, rather than it just to the current directory no matter what it was set to. * Remote file attributes can be changed. * Toolbars can be removed. * Other minor improvements and bug fixes. v1.01 25th September 1997 * Recursive uploading implemented. If you queue a directory for upload then it and all the files in its subdirectories will be transferred, maintaining full directory structure. * You can change the font settings for the local, remote and queue listings. * The command-line options /g and /d work properly again. * Minimizing to tray is now optional. * The delete key can be used to delete files from the queue. * Many other minor improvements & bug fixes. v1.0 15th September 1997 * Finally - context sensitive help! * All known winsock problems fixed. BPFTP should now care a whole lot less about what winsock its using. That includes Winsock 2, which in turn means that it works with Memphis/Win98. * Autofilling in of ftp site names (type in the start of an FTP site and BPFTP will fill in the rest, based on entries in your sitelist). * HTTP Authentication is now supported. * BPFTP now understands even more list formats - every format I've seen, all autodetected. If you come across a list format that it doesn't understand then let me know and I'll add support for it. * BPFTP will minimize to the system tray. * The local directory drop down box will display a list of drives. * Previous window state is now saved correctly. * The error that would occur when you pressed GO with no files in the queue has been fixed. * Many other minor improvements and bugs fixed. v0.993 27th August 1997 * Now that I got the RAS problem sorted out, I found out about another problem with download HTTP URLs - basically, HTTP downloading wasn't very stable at all. Fixed. * New icon for BPFTP - keeping in line with the logo on the web page. * Entries in the queue should now cycle properly if the retry limit has been exceeded. v0.992 26th August 1997 (later in day) * Really fixed the RAS problem this time - previous fix didn't work properly. * Fixed problem that occurred if you disabled 'fast directory changes'. v0.991 26th August 1997 * Fixed error that occurred if you didn't have RAS installed. * Local directory changing works a bit better now. v0.99 25th August 1997 * BPFTP can disconnect from the internet after all downloads have completed. * The queuelist is now in between the local file listing and the remote listing. This is a more logical place for it to be really - it might take a little while to get used to though. * The 'list hidden files' option is gone - it has been replaced by an option to modify the LIST command to whatever you like. If you modify this command and have any problems listing files then change it back and refresh the listing. * Sitelist window can be resized, and the width of the site's columns is saved. * You can drag & drop entries to rearrange them within the queuelist. * An option to start transferring as soon as a file is queued. * Sessions can be saved & loaded. A session includes * Bug which prevented directories starting with a dot (.) from being displayed fixed. * Properly fixed bug where BPFTP would incorrectly warn you about not having enough free disk space to download files if you were lucky enough to have more than a gig or so free. (It turns out my earlier fix didn't work.) * As usual, lots of little things which either aren't worth mentioning or I've forgotten about. v0.98 11th August 1997 * Uploading should be better, but not yet perfect. Let me know how you get on. * ASCII downloading. This was requested a lot, so here it is. Other often-requested features will be implemented soon. * Stupid bug which would have made BPFTP not work with most HTTP proxy servers fixed. * Option to ignore HTTP urls (any url that fits the wildcard *.*htm*). * New command line option /G - check out cmdline.txt for more info. * Many other minor additions/bug fixes. v0.971 2nd August 1997 Mostly just a bugfix release. * Fixed bug where BPFTP would incorrectly warn you about not having enough free disk space to download files if you were lucky enough to have more than a gig or so free. * 'save now' in the sitelist won't stop the current transfer. * 'clear all' will reset the queuelist's size to 0 and clear the log window. * The automatic local directory changing is a whole lot better. * Plus other minor bug fixes. * Remote attributes are now displayed - support for changing them will be added soon. * Popup hint boxes are now more logically placed. * The bug where you couldn't minimize the main form has been fixed. v0.97 23rd July 1997 * Complete overhaul of the interface - the whole interface looks better and is far more customisable. You can resize the queuelist and the log window. There is also no restriction on size - you can now make BPFTP's screen size as small as you like. * BPFTP is again as resilient as it used to be in connecting to sites. In v0.95 and v0.96, if there was no file tagged when trying to connect to a site then it'd sometimes give up after trying once. * Option to display passwords instead of hiding them. * Shaded caption can now be turned off. * BPFTP will now move to the next item in the queue and requeue the current one when the retry limit has been exceeded, rather than just giving up. * You can now choose what BPFTP should do when you double click on a file. * There are now 4 file list styles like in Explorer. * Hopefully this version will solve the problems some people were having minimising it * Find files! You can enter a wildcard and BPFTP will search an entire FTP site and download all matching files... you can also specify file size...File dates will be done soon. * With local directories, you don't need to click the change button any more - it changes automatically. * The log window won't get stop scrolling when BPFTP isnt the active window. v0.96 13th July 1997 * Caption is now shaded in the same way as Word 7. Everything else will start to look nicer eventually too. * Fixed the 'access violation' bug that happened sometimes when you select 'start transferring'. v0.95 10th July 1997 * Passwords are saved in encrypted form. * You can now import your site listing from FTP Explorer, or Cute FTP. The passwords are also imported (although they are "encrypted"). You can also import ftp urls from a text file. * Password won't be displayed when you enter it if you leave it blank on the main form. * You can edit urls detected in clipboard. URL confirmation box will close itself after 15 seconds. * Time elapsed/time remaining/average speed should now work properly all the time. * You can sort files by extension. * HTTP downloading should be a lot better now. * The format of the cache files has changed, this should make caching faster. Cache files from previous versions will be removed. * Configuration information is stored in the registry, rather than in an INI file. * Will warn you before downloading if there is not enough space to download the queued file(s). v0.9 27th June 1997 * 'start transferring' button is now centered properly on all systems. * A fully configurable progress bar has been added. * Version check now works behind firewalls. * Serious bug fixed. Luckily it didn't occur too often. This bug would cause the program to crash sometimes when dragging and dropping. * Other miscellaneous bug fixes. * New firewall/proxy type for FTP:- HTTP style. Use this if you can't get either of the other types to work. * Support for VMS ftp servers implemented. * You can now sort the queue list just like the file lists. * Option to verify URLs before using them. v0.82 20th June 1997 * Another bug fix - if you had more than half of a file you were trying to download via http then bpftp would get confused and think your local file was larger and skip it. * Command line options documented. v0.81 20th June 1997 * Fixes a rather stupid bug - the message 'cannot focus a disabled or invisible window.' This bug will also probably affect restoring of files. v0.8 19th June 1997 * Uploading... well sort of. It works some times and not others. Uploading will work properly by the time 1.0 final is released. * You can resize the local/remote file listings * Several bugs fixed * Automatic registration of ftp bookmarks to BPFTP. * 'On connect' options. * HTTP downloading is a whole lot better & less buggy. There still could be a problem or two though. * Those are the main changes. v0.7 12th June 1997 * New list format supported. BPFTP should now work with 99% of ftp sites, if you come across a format that it doesn't support then let me know. * HTTP downloading!!! Of course it'll automatically resume. However, a lot of HTTP servers don't support resuming, so if a server doesn't support resume BPFTP will rename the partial file and start over. If a URL redirects to another location, FTP or HTTP then BPFTP will automatically go there and download the file (or get redirected again). * Firewall/proxy support for HTTP is there too, I havent done user/password authentication yet though. * Local file listing, with rename/delete/make directory support. you can drag and drop files into any directory, every file can have a separate directory if you want. * That stupid bug with the site manager has been fixed. Sorry about this. * Transparent file icons. v0.6 9th June 1997 * Saves queuelist when you quit. * saves column widths in file list. * Ftp url parsing should now be 100% . * Firewall/proxy support. This includes passive ftp. * New icon again. v0.5 7th June 1997 * You now have complete control over almost all the decisions BPFTP makes. Check out the 'download options' section. * Create new session - now you can create a new session with a point & click - or just use ctrl-n. * Viewing of files. By 'viewing' I mean performing the default action on a file depending on the file extension - eg, .txt files open notepad, .doc files go to word/wordpad, .exe files are executed... etc. * Now everything should finally look ok for those people who use non standard font sizes. It'll now work with any font size, even custom ones. * Default size should now be a lot more workable for people using 640x480. * You can configure a sound to be played when the server disconnects you. v0.4 4th June 1997 * Monitors the clipboard for ftp:// urls. If it finds one, it'lll either queue it if currently downloading, or connect to the site & start downloading. * Queueing of ftp:// urls. This means files can be queued on more than one FTP site. * Cache Expiration. Can be set from 0 - 999 days. * New icon. Kinda hard to read but it looks nice. v0.3 3rd June 1997 * Displays correctly using large/non standard sized fonts. * 'Disconnect after download' option. * Window position saves on exit. * Log box scrolls left & right as well as up and down. v0.2 1st June 1997 Many bug fixes - thanks to everyone who reported them. Also: * Sounds can now be played on connect, and after the download is complete. * "list hidden files" option. * Whole directories are now downloaded a lot more logically than they were before. * The file that is currently being downloaded appears on the status bar. * Logging to file * Plus other little improvements that aren't really worth mentioning v0.1 30th May 1997 First release - plenty of bugs